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2022 Annual Meeting
Thursday, April 14, 2022, 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM PST
Category: Members Only


IOA Annual Meeting

All Members Are Invited to Join Us Virtually

Thursday, 14 April 2022
8:00 AM PT | 11:00 PM ET | 4:00 PM GMT



What is the Annual Meeting?

The Annual Meeting offers the opportunity for IOA to provide you, our members, with a report of the health and wellness of the organization. This includes highlights of IOA’s major accomplishments and initiatives, a report on membership data and finances, and insights about the future direction and strategic priorities of IOA in the coming year. It is also a time to thank outgoing board members and welcome newly elected directors who will officially assume their seats on the Board immediately following the meeting.  

Members are customarily asked to approve the previous year’s meeting minutes during the Annual Meeting. IOA did not hold an Annual Meeting in 2021, so members will be asked to approve the 2020 Meeting Minutes to officially adopt them into the IOA record. 

A quorum of 20% of IOA members is necessary to approve the meeting minutes. We still need more than 100 voting members to register and attend live or vote by proxy to achieve a quorum, so please register today and join this important meeting. All full, retired, and distinguished emeritus members are eligible to vote, and all members are welcome to attend the meeting.

View the Recording (Members Only)
Review the 2020 Minutes


Proxy Voting Now Available

If you are not able to attend, we encourage you to submit a proxy vote to the IOA Secretary directing them to cast your vote for the 2020 Annual Business Meeting minutes. Proxy voting gives the opportunity to members who are not able to attend live a chance to have their vote represented.

If a quorum is not achieved, the meeting will be convened and the annual report will still be presented, but the 2020 meeting minutes will not be approved and will need to be voted upon at another future meeting. This meeting will be recorded and available for members to view in the Online Learning Center.

And please note that while the Annual Meeting is a report out to members, there will be more opportunities for informal dialogue similar to the recent experience many enjoyed at the 17th Annual IOA Conference. The Board of Directors looks forward to connecting with you in the coming year!

Proxy voting has now closed.