Appendix One: Sample of Instructor's Guide

The following information from the instructor’s guide for the Foundations of Organizational Ombudsman Practice demonstrates the level of specificity sought for the instructor’s guide for the Mediation Basics for Ombuds core course.
This sample is not intended to restrict or limit the developer’s creativity in course design or format. Again, it is only intended to demonstrate the level of specificity sought for the instructor’s guide.

Confidentiality Exercise    
Time: 10 minutes
Methodology: Small and large group discussions
Materials: Confidentiality slide from Foundations Course (#33) 
Flipchart (optional; to collect discussion points)
Goal: To encourage reflection about person experiences with confidentiality and to highlight the importance, benefits of confidentiality for ombuds office visitors.
1. Ask participants to pair up 
2. Ask participants to think about their personal experiences with confidentiality, with the  following prompts:
  • Think of a time when you needed to have a confidential conversation   or
  • Think of a time when someone came to you requesting a confidential conversation
In pairs, answer the following questions:
  • Why was confidentiality important for the situation?
  • Were you able to get the confidentiality you needed/give the confidentiality requested?
  • What was the impact on the conversation (re the presence or absence of confidentiality) and on the outcome of the situation?
3. Debrief in the large group  
Some talking points (from trainer if not raised by participants):
  • Why ask for confidentiality: Space to gain clarity/vent without negatively impacting another/create safe place to be vulnerable
  • Potential impact when confidentiality present: trust established, increased/ open and extensive sharing occurs/ issues addressed more fully, effectively
  • Potential impact when confidentiality is not available: situation not addressed/lack of trust may grow/speaker may experience isolation, depression, anger