By Shannon Lynn Burton, Ph.D., University Ombudsperson, Michigan State University
Editor, Journal of the International Ombudsman Association
Dear Colleagues,
A lot has been happening with the Journal of the International Ombudsman Association (JIOA) this month! If you have not visited our page lately, please do so soon. There have been three new articles posted in the past two weeks. These are:
- “The Faculty Ombudsperson: Maintaining Civility and Academic Freedom in Higher Education” by Clara Wajngurt;
- “Abrasive Conduct in Higher Education and the Ombuds Role” by Hector Escalante; and
- “Ombuds Interventions in Encouraging Covenantal Research Collaborations: I am with You Always, Now and Beyond the End of Our Study” by Nancy Day, Mary Sue Love, and Gregory K. Stephens.
The JIOA also has some new books available for review. If you are interested in reviewing one of the following books, please e-mail us at [email protected]. The current available books for review are:
- Facilitating Intergroup Dialogues: Bridging Differences, Catalyzing Change edited by: Kelley E. Maxwell, Biren (Ratnesh) A. Nagda and Monita C. Thompson
- Training to Imagine by Kat Koppett
- Working Virtually: Transforming the Mobile Workplace (2nd Ed) By Trina Hoefling
- Corporate Reputation and Social Activism by Jose Miguel Abito, David Besanko and Daniel Diermeier
We are also continuing to accept submissions for the Special Issue on Responses of the Organizational Ombuds to Sexual Harassment. This issue invites papers that will focus on organizational ombuds’ range of experiences in responding to and assisting with sexual harassment concerns, from the most challenging and significant to the most typical and ordinary. Submissions are due by February 7th, 2020.
Additionally, if you have ever considered writing for the JIOA, but are unsure as to where to start, please reach out to us as well. We would really like to see a wide range of sectors and regions share their stories and experiences! Our editorial team works with authors throughout the submission process and are happy to answer any questions that you may have.
Finally, the editorial team for the JIOA is pleased to announce that the journal will continue to be open access after 2019. This will help support the IOA in its goals of promoting, protecting and providing for the ombuds field. Thank you all for your ongoing support of the JIOA and we look forward to more exciting things in 2020!
Best Wishes,
Shannon Lynn Burton, Ph.D.
Editor, JIOA