Call for Papers: JIOA Special Issue on Sexual Harassment
By Shannon Lynn Burton, Ph.D., University Ombuds, Michigan State University
Editor, Journal of the International Ombudsman Association
Dear Colleagues and Friends of the JIOA,
The Journal of the International Ombudsman Association (JIOA) is pleased to announce a Call for Papers for a special edition on Responses of the Organizational Ombuds to Sexual Harassment. The papers in this edition will focus on organizational ombuds’ most significant and challenging experiences in responding to and assisting with sexual harassment concerns. Additional details on the call for papers is attached. Dr. Shereen Bingham will be serving as Guest Editor for this issue. Please direct questions about the special issue to Dr. Bingham whose contact information can be found in the Call for Papers.
Best Wishes,
Shannon Lynn Burton, Ph.D.
Editor, JIOA